Hello everybody!

Attached are our songs for the Alice In Wonderland exhibition on the 14th June.

Middle Choir- All in the Golden Afternoon

Senior Choir-All in the Golden Afternoon and In a World of my Own.

I have included lyrics and recordings of the songs, but no backing tracks as I am still sourcing ones in the correct key! They’re coming, though, I promise!

Enjoy, practice lots, and I’ll see you next week!!

Mrs McKenzie

All In The Golden Afternoon


Little bread-and-butterflies kiss the tulips,

And the sun is like a toy balloon.

There are get up in the morning glories,

In the golden afternoon.

There are dizzy daffodils on the hillside,

Strings of violets are all in tune

Tiger lilies love the dandy lions,

In the golden afternoon.


There are dog and caterpillars and a copper centipede,

Where the lazy daisies love the very peaceful life they lead


You can learn a lot of things from the flowers,

For especially in the month of June.

There’s a wealth of happiness and romance,

I n the golden afternoon.


You can learn a lot of things from the flowers,

For especially in the month of June.

There’s a wealth of happiness and romance,

All in the golden afternoon.

In a World of My Own


Cats and rabbits

Would reside in fancy little houses

And be dressed in shoes and hats and trousers

In a world of my own


All the flowers

Would have very extra special powers

They would sit and talk to me for hours

When I’m lonely in a world of my own


There’d be new birds

Lots of nice and friendly howdy-do birds

Everyone would have a dozen bluebirds

Within that world of my own


I could listen to a babbling brook

And hear a song that I could understand

I keep wishing it could be that way

Because my world would be a Wonderland


Les jolies fleurs

parsemant les champs aux belles saisons

Me diraient en choeur d’aimables chansons

Pour moi seule dans le monde de mes rêves,


Il y aurait des insectes d’or et des oiseaux bleus,

Descendus pour moi de l’azur des cieux

Dans l’univers de mes rêves,

Il y aurait des ruisseaux très purs,

Qui me diraient bonjour en un murmure

Se pourrait-il que je puisse un jour

Connaître enfin ce monde merveilleux?